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About NESW


Everyone deserves an opportunity to live a happy, fulfilled life.

We’ve created a way to help skateboarders thrive mentally, physically, and financially while giving those in need the same exact opportunity.

Join the Skateboard Mentor Program if you want to tap into a community of skaters that focus on goals, leadership, relationships, mindset, and business.

Learn from pro skateboarders and successful entrepreneurs on what it takes to tap into flow and achieve your goals.

Why join? Because when you take action towards your goals, NESW sponsors a skater in need directly into the Skateboard Mentor Program.

Every push has a purpose. Call us now to get a free coaching session with one of our mentors! 602-793-2914


Our mission since day one has been to help children in need all around the world through skateboarding.

That’s why for every skateboard you purchase, we donate one to a child in need.

The best part? You select where the board gets sent to!



Jacob Jenkins: I’m a skateboarder/entrepreneur born in Charlotte, NC. I moved to Arizona after backpacking Central America for seven months and created Now Evolving Skateboarding Worldwide, a 501c3 nonprofit that focuses on building influential leaders through skateboarding while donating skateboards to foster care and feeding families in need. My inspiration came from seeing so many people around the world struggle and a burning desire to make an impact

I’ve been sponsored by local companies, competed in many amateur skateboard competitions, and had the privilege to travel and meet skateboarders in over 14 countries, including Aruba, Nicaragua, and the Galapagos Islands

I remember scraping paint off airports just to make a paycheck out in the Arizona summer sun. I’ve also made thousands of dollars cold calling foreign businesses from my laptop in Costa Rica. I have over ten years experience in sales, marketing, communication, and leadership but my biggest asset is the ability to influence those around me. I get high off of others happiness and success. There is no reason anyone deserves to starve, not have opportunities, or connections. I’m here to solve that.

We all have choices. I choose to live my best life possible and show others that they too can experience “the good life”.

My vision is success for all skateboarders. Take a look at your 5 closest skate friends. If they don’t motivate you, push you to be better, or challenge you, join my circle and let’s get you to where you deserve to be mentally, physically, and financially


Ana Carrillo: Born and raised in PHX,AZ. I have skateboarded for about a year now and it has led me to meet great skateboarders around me. I use skateboarding as a tool to grow my career and business skills. I have started my own online business to impact the shoe industry. Always looking for new opportunities! I will continue on with my disciplinary actions that I take and new ones to take on. Therefore, I have taken on a new income opportunity in my life in stock trading. I know studying hard is life changing. I turned my life around by making simple decisions and not being afraid. Any human being has the capacity to do great for themselves and others. Learn everyday and accomplish your goals!

Digital Media Producer

My name is Roman Aguirre and I have been skating since 1998. I grew up with it and as skateboarding has evolved over these years I evolved with it. 

My friends and I would film ourselves skateboarding, trying to do tricks like the pros, and eventually we made two independent skate videos. This hobby compelled me to get my Bachelors in film and video production and I produced my first feature film in 2014 titled Voices from the Grave. I am currently in production on a second film.

On set I am the Cinematographer, this means I am responsible for all the lighting and camerawork of the film. Cameras allow you the wonderful opportunity to just visualize an image and then capture it, to me its art. I believe there are moments in this world that would have otherwise gone unseen had it not been for the shutter of a camera. 

Thankfully my passion for Skating and Filming has never gone away. Capturing all the moments that matter like hanging out with your friends, landing a trick for the first time, or connecting with new people, is what I am proud to say I do best. I am excited to join the NESW team and show you how we make an impact.

-Roman Aguirre 


Lucas Rooney: is an 18 year old skater that has been skating since September of 2019. He joined NESW in September of 2020 and his life hasn’t been the same since. NESW has made such a profound and eye opening experience on him by teaching him more than he could even imagine. Lucas plans to never stop skating


My name is Willie McNeal and I’m here to help you or your loving little boy or girl succeed in life! I came from hard times growing up in the midwest and know how hard it can be as a kid.

I’ve been skating for 18 years! I also dance and write music! Throughout this time frame, I’ve helped many kids land tricks and gave the advice to be a better thinker and how to go about life from a positive perspective.

To my knowledge, I haven’t let anyone down! I Love helping whoever I can through skateboarding.

I’m part of the NESW team as a leader/skate coach to not only help your child improve their skateboarding skills, but help mold them into amazing human.

I wish I had a mentor at the park during my childhood! Can’t wait to see your smiling faces on this journey to success! Everything is risky but joining with NESW puts some of that risk aside because me and NESW are dedicated to helping others!
Can’t wait to see you!